Monday, April 18, 2016

DAY ONE - cindi

  1. Not-so-healthy brunch at Wild Eggs. 
  2. Water, water, water. 
  3. Ten chocolate covered raisins. 
  4. Salmon patties and salad for dinner.
  5. Apple and cheese for snack.
  6. Walked 1 1/2 miles.
  7. Put away laundry.
  8. Cleaned/organized kitchen.
  9. To bed at 9:30!!!! and read a bit.

Here is what I hope we'll do.  Just report in each day on what we've done re: food and exercise.  We can share anything else, too - housework done, some bright idea/aha moment, feelings, fears - whatever....just in a short paragraph or two - about how you're doing and how your day went.  This isn't meant to outdo anyone; it's not a competition.  Just being accountable to ourselves - putting it out there, and mostly, to show ourselves that we're actually doing pretty good. 

IT'S TIME!!!!  Forget past attempts, future failures, shoulds, didn'ts, couldn'ts....Let's Just Do This!

I am going to post each day what I have done in my attempts to get (and stay) healthy.  Some days I may have nothing to share, but that isn't going to sidetrack me.  I am not going to compare myself to anyone else - what they do, how much they eat, how much they exercise - or not.  This is about me as an individual, and I hope it will be the same for you.  No judgments.  Just a way to report in and be held accountable.  I'll even share the times I slug and only eat all day from drive-through windows.  No pressure.  Just a way to try to keep on track and keep going.  

Hope you'll join me.
